IPP Demosites

Evergreen High School (Vancouver)

October 8, 2020


Collaboration Skills for School Professionals Friend Marilyn & Cook Lynne (2016)

Purposeful Co-Teaching

Real Cases and Effective Strategies 1st Edition Gregory J. Conderman, Mary V. Bresnahan &Theresa Pedersen (2008) Co-teaching

Teaching in Tandem

Effective Co-Teaching in the Inclusive Classroom Gloria Lodato Wilson & Joan Blednick (2011)

Lost at School

Why Our Kids with Behavioral Challenges are Falling Through the Cracks and How We Can Help Them Ross Greene (2008)

Evergreen IEP Profile Template

Evergreen IEP Profile Template

Evergreen Personal Learning Profile Template

Evergreen Personal Learning Profile Template

Evergreen Evidence-based Practices

Evergreen Evidence-based Practices

Evergreen Inclusive Practices

Evergreen Inclusive Practices