UW Haring Center Demonstration Sites

Schedule a Visit

Demonstration site visits are a transformational learning process and a chance for visiting school teams to engage with the educators at the demonstration site. For each visit, guests are expected to complete a short pre-visit planning form and a short feedback form after the visit.

Click here to learn which Inclusionary Practices (IP) sites will be open for visits, and here for the current Reducing Restraint and Eliminating (RREI) sites.  Visit scheduling is subject to the availability of the demonstration site school team, and we ask that you prioritize your top choice as we may not be able to accommodate visits to multiple sites.

To schedule a visit to one of our demonstration site schools, please complete the visit request form.  

Please continue to check out webinars and artifacts for all the demonstration sites/districts, and review the Planning Your Visit page to prepare for the upcoming site visit.