UW Haring Center Demonstration Sites

Reducing Restraint and Eliminating Isolation

During the 2023 session, the Washington State Legislature proposed House Bill 1479, a measure that would prohibit isolation and significantly restrict restraints in public schools. Because the bill did not pass, OSPI received designated state funding to provide statewide professional development and create demonstration projects in support of school and district efforts to eliminate isolation and reduce restraints. This project is funded from July 2023 – June 2025.

Demonstration Sites 

Demonstration sites are districts partnering with the Inclusionary Practices Technical Assistance Network (IPTN) at the University of Washington to share their successes in reducing restraint and eliminating isolation, as well as to receive targeted supports for individualized school needs. They will host visitors from around the state to aid other schools and districts in this work. 

Featured Resources

RREI General Elements of Effective PBS Assessment Tool

RREI Tip Sheet

American Institutes for Research (AIR) 2023 Study Report: Understanding Restraint & Isolation in WA Schools

Disability Rights Washington ACLU of Washington: Coming Into the Light: An Examination of Restraint and Isolation Practices in Washington Schools