UW Haring Center Demonstration Sites

Planning Your Visit

We are looking forward to hosting your team at one of the Demonstration Sites. 

Please read the following to prepare for your visit.   

Once our visit is scheduled, your team’s point of contact will share all visitor’s email contacts. Everyone will receive a calendar invitation with visit details.  

Prior to Your Visit 

1. Pre-Visit Planning Form 

In addition to completing a short pre-visit planning form, visitors are required to explore the demonstration sites and district webpages, artifacts and school recordings prior to the visit. 

During Your Visit 

2. Observation Impact Document A copy of this document will be provided on the visit.  This document is for your own notes during the visit. This section will guide you through the visit and intentionally think about inclusionary supports. The notes highlight inclusionary practices framed around the Principles and Practices (P&P Tool).

At the End of Your Visit 

3. Post Visit Feedback Form 

Each visitor will complete a post-visit feedback form at the end of the visit.  

Thank you for visiting a demonstration site as you continue on your own journey toward inclusive schools, districts, and communities.