UW Haring Center Demonstration Sites


April 10, 2024

Notice of Public Comment Period for Annual State Application of Federal Year 2024 of the IDEA Federal Grant 

Washington state’s annual application for federal IDEA funds for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2024 has been posted and will be available for public review for 60 days, with a comment period of 30 days, prior to final submission to the US Department of Education (DOE) Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) by May 31, 2024….

February 13, 2024

Opportunity for free professional development on tier 3 behavior supports for school staff  

Is your school looking for a system to help teams implement individualized behavior supports? Is your school interested in free access to an app that will help them implement behavioral supports in schools? A team of University of Washington Haring Center researchers is looking for schools interested in joining a research project to test the…

December 5, 2023

WAEYC Presentation

Reflecting on Compliance and Rethinking Student Behavior to Promote Inclusive Environments was a professional development opportunity facilitated by Cassie, UW inclusion specialist, at the 47th annual Washington Association for the Education of Young Children (WAEYC) conference. This session supported participants in their reflection of why educators and administrators ask for student compliance and to consider…

November 1, 2023

RRIE (Restraint Reduction and Isolation elimination) Demo Sites Application 

In collaboration with the Haring Center for Inclusive Education at the University of Washington, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), is partnering with school districts across the state to create demonstration sites highlighting best practices in reducing the use of restraint and eliminating the use of isolation. These schools will participate in transformational…

UPDATED! Principles and Practices to Build and Sustain Inclusive Schools Tool 

UPDATED! Principles and Practices to Build and Sustain Inclusive Schools Tool  At the onset of the IPP Project, there were many inquiries into specifying what was meant when the term “inclusionary practices” was referenced.  This document was created in response to define inclusionary practices more clearly. In conjunction with our partnership with demonstration sites, this…

Monroe High School Model of Inclusion 

Understanding that ALL students learn best when they are challenged, provided with support, and feel that they belong in their school, Monroe High School has spent years working toward phasing out the “pull-out” model where students who need support, including multilingual learners, are pulled out of general education classrooms for support and separated from their…

October 11, 2023

Early Learning Demo Sites Open for Visits!  

Interested in seeing what inclusionary practices look like in Early Childhood Education Settings? If so, the Preschool and Early Learning Center IPTN Demo Sites are offering transformational professional development in the form of in person site visits in the 2023-2024 school year. Submit a visit request form found on the Schedule a Visit page on the Demo Sites website and an inclusion specialist will reach out to talk…

October 9, 2023

Introducing the Inclusionary Practices Technical Assistance Network (IPTN) 

The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and partners at WestEd are excited to announce the kickoff of the statewide Inclusionary Practices Technical Assistance Network (IPTN). As Washington state educators and professional organizations continue to work together and consider new ways to measure impact, leverage data, and effectively use that information for implementation, the…

Family Engagement Case Study

The IPP Demonstration Sites continue to partner with others and showcase their inclusionary practices. Take a look at the IPP Family Engagement Collaborative Inclusive Education and Family Engagement report. This report describes how two demo sites, Chase Middle School and Kodiak Cubs Preschool, have implemented inclusive education and family engagement. The case studies highlighted in…

September 6, 2023

UW Research Project is Looking for Teachers and Paraeducators

Dr. Jill Locke and her colleagues at the UW SMART Center (smartcenter.uw.edu) invite you and your colleagues a study that aims to understand what evidence-based practices are used with autistic students who are partially or fully included in a general education setting.  Who is invited to participate? K-5 general educators, special educators, and paraeducators who…

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