IPP Demosites

Stanwood High School

Stanwood High School joined the demonstration site community in fall 2023. Stanwood High School, and district, have been refining systems to build upon and sustain inclusive practices. Stanwood HS promise statement reads, “Stanwood Spartans are united in cultivating character, modeling respect, teaching leadership, and connecting to the community.” Focused on student outcomes, Stanwood High School began year 1 in their inclusive journey focusing on increasing co-teaching practices and an inclusive master schedule.

ESD: 189  
Stanwood-Camano School District  
Location: Stanwood/Camano Island 

Accepting visits for 2023/2024  

Highlighting the following inclusionary practices

  • Co-teaching
  • Co-planning
  • Co-assessment
  • Inclusive building schedule
  • Career and technical education (CTE)