IPP Demosites
Chase Middle School
Chase Middle School‘s mission is “All belong, All learn, All lead”. When we consider belonging, we wanted to create a school community where all students experience a sense of belonging. Focused on creating a sense of belonging, we began to re-envision the delivery of special education services. With a focus on well-defined MTSS, family engagement, and co-teaching/co-planning and co-assessing, Chase Middle School is a place for all students to belong, learn and lead.
School District: Spokane
Location: Spokane
ESD: #101
Accepting visits for 2023/2024
Highlighting the following inclusionary practices:
- Coteaching and coplanning
- Master Scheduling to support inclusion
- Equitable grading practices
- Students engaged in core content
Chase Introductory Webinar
Chase Deep Dive Webinar
Winter 2021: Master Scheduling