UW Haring Center Demonstration Sites

Toppenish Middle School

We approach differentiated instruction as a collaborative conversation and process between both general education and special education teachers. Our Inclusion Specialists (Special education teachers) work with our general education teachers to identify the essential standards/targets within the core curriculum and discuss how the content is going to be delivered to students in the classroom. We have created collaborative tools that increase implementation fidelity that we use when looking at student programming, plans, and instruction.   

School District: Toppenish

Location: Toppenish

ESD: #105

Accepting visits for 2023/2024

Highlighting the following inclusionary practices:

  • Differentiated curriculum planning and instruction
  • Inclusive vision and mission 
  • Collaboration
  • PBIS
  • Equitable grading
  • PLCs
  • Students engaged in core content


Toppenish Introductory Webinar

Toppenish Deep Dive Webinar

June 2020: “Inclusive education for everyone and how we make it happen through teaming, collaboration and ownership of all students.”

Webinar Recording

PowerPoint Presentation