UW Haring Center Demonstration Sites

Hidden River Middle School

Hidden River Middle School is fully committed to the idea of All Means All and we know the only way to achieve this is through unsurpassed collaboration on behalf of the students we serve. With our commitment to, All Means All, we began re-thinking all we do at Hidden River Middle School. This included a monumental shift in how we serve students that qualify for special education. Through this process, we have established strong MTSS with flexible tiered support for ALL students. Strong collaborative structures support our dedication to collective efficacy over student learning. All of this is built on our commitment to unsurpassed levels of collaboration for the students that walk through our doors

School District: Monroe

ESD: #189

Location: Monroe

Accepting Visits 24-25 SY

Highlighting the following inclusionary practices:

  • Students engaged in core content (grade level standards) 
  • Collaboration
  • Multi tiered systems of support
  • Coteaching and coplanning


Hidden River Introductory Webinar

Hidden River Deep Dive Webinar