IPP Demosites

McMicken Heights Elementary

McMicken Heights Elementary is a diverse school in the Highline School District that encompasses Burien, Seatac, and Des Moines. Leading with an inclusive vision and mission, we prioritize the Master Schedule by having key partners (gen ed/special ed/specialists), give input and creates a schedule that centers student success. Our professional development has included strategies to support common planning, differentiation blocks, flexible service delivery with co-teaching. Our intentional coaching cycles provide support in creating understanding of best practices in co-teaching and differentiation strategies. 

School District: Highline Public Schools

ESD: #121
Location: Seatac

Accepting visits for 2023/2024

Highlighting the following inclusionary practices:

  • Master scheduling to support inclusion 
  • Students engaged in core content (grade level standards) 
  • Coteaching and coplanning 
  • Student engagement 
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Collaboration
  • Data Analysis Protocols
  • UDL


McMicken Heights Deep Dive Webinar

Fall 2020: Co-teaching : How to take one school’s journey and make it your own

Webinar Recording